Great action of the groove godfathers
Pänz collected garbage at the Zündorfer Groov

With the active support of around 350 children from the Veedel, the Zündorfer Groov shines again in new splendor. The non-profit association of the "Groov Godfathers" had proclaimed "Tu's Day": Throughout the morning, the hard-working helpers collected garbage lying around. They were supported, among others, by the StEB Cologne, which has been responsible for the care and maintenance of Cologne's ponds and streams since 2017.

The Groov is a park-like, animal-rich island in the Cologne district of Porz-Zündorf and a popular destination for young and old. The non-profit association of the "Groov Sponsors" is dedicated to the protection and maintenance of this unique landscape conservation area.

Since 2018, he has been actively supported once a year by several hundred pupils from the surrounding primary schools. On this year's "Tu's Day", equipped with garbage bags and gloves from the AWB, they set off at around 9 a.m. to free the Groov from rubbish. In addition, the children were able to actively experiment on the topics of water protection, water cycle and water properties at the stands of the StEB Cologne and the Cologne Water School.

"'Tu's Day' is a great opportunity to sensitize children to the protection of our environment at an early age. We are happy to support this campaign," says Volker Lüdicke, Head of the Operational Flood Protection and Water Maintenance Department at StEB Cologne. The maintenance and development of Cologne's ponds and streams has been one of the main tasks of StEB Cologne since 2017 and an important part of environmental protection.


Baumgaertner Jonas


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