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Beiträge zum Thema Gurus

me and the wise men in Nepal

story about the narrow minded foolness of old men
the third eye is made of stone

On our trip in Nepal, more nolens than volens overwhelmed by the eloquence of an enterprising Chinese, I had bought myself a grey-banded sphere, of incredible value, the merchant assured me, intended to open one's eyes to the origins and background of being, after lengthy haggling for a limp 2 dollars and the leather strap to carry it for free. What self-affirmation!! When I wanted to ask him about the meaning and purpose of what he had bought, the successful dealer's willingness to talk was...

  • Bayern
  • Diedorf
  • 11.08.23
  • 1

Die Götter des New Age

Die Götter des New Age - Empfehle eine sehr gute Dokumentation Dieses Video ist eines der besten über die New Age Bewegung. – R. Keinberger & F. Epper – ( Mitwirkende: Dave Hunt, Rabindranath Maharaj, Johanna Michaelsen u.a. ) gods of the New Age (Deutsch) Empfehle desweiteren diesen Leserbeitrag zum Thema, der in unserer lokalen Presse erschienen ist!

  • Hessen
  • Oberweser
  • 20.07.12
  • 8

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