Gudn Dach mein Gudsder!

... so klänge das auf sächsisch, doch der Mensch, der hier und heute spammt, schreibt auf englisch:

Von: Stefan Moore -
Re: Diplomatic Agent

Hello Dear (siehe Übersetzung oben),

I am a Diplomat named Mr. Stefan Moore, mandated to deliver your inheritance to you in your country of residence.

The funds total €7.5 Million euros packaged as a safe consignment and you were made the beneficiary of these funds by a benefactor whose details will be revealed to you after handing over the funds to you in accordance with the Agreement I signed with the benefactor when he enlisted my assistance in delivering the funds to you.

I am presently in Europe and before I can handover the funds to you, you have to reconfirm the following Information so as to ensure that I am dealing with the right person.

1. Full Name:
2. Residential Address:
3. Age:
4. Occupation:
5. Direct Telephone Numbers:

After verification of the information with what I have on file, I shall contact you so that we can make arrangements on the exact time I will be deliver your package to you.

Send the requested information so that we can proceed.

Mr. Stefan Moore.

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Vuolfkanc Brugger aus Dillingen


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