Gebetszeremonie und eine Meditation

2. September 2017
01:00 Uhr
cherokee center, 90455 Nürnberg

We invite you to the Cherokee Weekend in nature.
Place: Close to Nuremberg
Date: 1 . September FRIDAY at 7.00 pm until 2 September 2017 SATURDAY approx. 7.00 pm

please write to at.

FRIDAY 1 September from 7.00 pm
Native American drumming
ceremony and a meditation in the nature outside

SATURDAY September 2, approx. 7.00 pm 2017
Native American sweat lodge - Cherokee tradition
We will talk about the way of the medicine route and you will learn
various methods about the indian Red way

We'll spend the night camping there by the fire cooking
place: Approx. 20 km from Nuremberg
Registration: (Please give the telephone number - then I call you)

Come and learn and enjoy nature with us in the world of the North American Indians.

We look forward to you.
aho SunTurtle Woman & Medicine Turtle


medicine turtle aus Nürnberg


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