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CDTM München

Beiträge zum Thema CDTM München

2 Bilder

Fireball Home - Table soccer at CDTM reaches the next level

After years of heavy abuse, the CDTM soccer table has finally broken down. The CAs Andreas and Fabian tried to calm down the arising waves of panic by making the reestablishment of student satisfaction at CDTM through organizing a new soccer table a high priority task. The first challenge was to find an appropriate sponsor. After the German Table Soccer Association declined our proposal for funding a flagship project for the promotion of up-and-coming talents, we were in desperate need of a...

  • Bayern
  • München
  • 08.07.10
2 Bilder

CDTM Rocking Switzerland

Zurich – here we come again. Unfortunately a lot of other things had been scheduled for May 8-10 so that we had to do without many of our experienced runners and even long-time participant Martin Huber had to withdraw in the last minute due to a serious cold. On the upside this meant that we could gain a lot of new runners from the new class: David Bellem, Julian Riediger, Assif Daniel Sobhani, Daniel Akselrad, Max Lamers, Hauke Rapold, Philipp Nägelein and Martin Fink. Anja Staudt, Armin...

  • Bayern
  • München
  • 08.07.10
3 Bilder

CDTM Kick-Off 2010

In the beginning of March, the class of spring 2010 made its way on the still snowy and winding roads of southern Bavaria to meet at Fischbachau. The kick-off taskforce and center assistants had organized a weekend to welcome the 26 new students with CDTM in a nutshell: action, community, work and party. After having a short warm-up breakfast with coffee and brezels we were joined by Lothar, our coach for the action day. He led us back outside for the first of many challenges to come. The task...

  • Bayern
  • München
  • 08.07.10
3 Bilder

iPad Applikation für myHeimat

Die Zukunft der Printmedien – insbesondere der Tageszeitungen – ist angesichts des immer stärker genutzten Mediums Internet eine spannende Frage. Wie sich Verlage in einer solchen Umgebung behaupten können, darüber haben sich eine Gruppe von Studenten zusammen mit gogol Medien in den letzten Wochen intensiv Gedanken gemacht. Entwickelt wurde eine Applikation für das iPad, die es erlaubt, die auf den Webseiten der Verlage in elektronischer Form gespeicherten Artikel auch auf dem Tablet zu lesen....

  • Bayern
  • München
  • 07.07.10
  • 6

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